Thursday, May 17, 2012

Let's get caught up's been a month since I last posted.  I think the blog needs to move up on the priority list, as well as my laundry. I'll post some fun pics from the last month to get everyone up to speed.

We went to Nebraska for a family wedding and my sister's baby shower. It was a super fast trip, we left Thursday afternoon and were back by 8pm Sunday night. About 22+ hours of windshield time. The wedding was Friday evening at my father in law's acreage. His stepdaughter had an outdoor wedding and the weather was perfect.

Caden waiting for the festivities to begin

Yep, this pretty much explains McKenzie

McKenzie and I had handsome dates!

The grinning Bride:)

Caden snapped these two photos. He's a talented little photographer:)

On to Saturday for my sister Jill's baby shower!!

Mom and dad to be

Lots of girly goodness

Back in Texas we....

had swim lessons

Can't leave out this moment

Started solids

LOTS of time outside

Spent Mother's Day in downtown Fort Worth at the Water Gardens

They call me mom. I am grateful.

Graduated Preschool!!!

That pretty much sums up the big stuff. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A day in the Life

My friend Shawna did a post over on  The Creative Mama about "a day in the life".  I always find it interesting to see how others spend their days, so here is a peek into ours.  I snapped all the pictures with the Instagram app on my phone. This was our Tuesday, which this day was not a typical day for us but lately it seems we have been so busy I don't even know what typical is anymore.
Tylor is gone by 6:30 every morning, I get Caden up for school about 6:45. We live just a few blocks from the elementary school, Caden leaves at 7:30 to walk with some neighbor kids to school but he always wants to play with Samuel before he leaves.

I love coffee, second cup for the morning.

Once Caden is gone I get ready. Some days I walk/jog after I drop McKenzie off, so getting ready consists of putting workout clothes on. About 8:00 I get McKenzie up and this is always a challenge. She is NOT a morning person. While she is eating (very slowly I might add) I make her lunch and get her ready for preschool. We leave the house about 8:50 and she is at school from 9-2.

This happened to our van last week, aka the swagger wagon, while it was parked. We didn't even have plates on it yet. Luckily the person who hit us left their information. So now it's going to the dealership to get repairs.

Hertz rentals came and picked me up and this is our replacement for the next 10-14 days. Good grief, this thing is a gas guzzler. I said I would never drive a mini van but I miss mine! Never say never.

We are leaving for Nebraska this week for a wedding and a baby shower, I was running around picking a up few last minute things. Samuel decided he was hungry and needed changed so we took a break.

Samuel and I weren't far from Tylor's office so we picked him up and had a lunch date.

Gridlock on the 820 Loop. What's new....sigh. Fort Worth I love you but really don't love your traffic.

Picked McKenzie up from preschool. My phone was dead so I snapped a picture at home.

Orthodontist appointment. Hopefully only five more months and braces come off!!!

A day of running errands wouldn't be complete without a stop to Target. Luckily for the kids we had to go to the toy isle to pick out a birthday present.

Skillet lasagna for supper.

Normally after supper we all go on a walk, Caden and McKenzie ride their scooters or bikes. Tonight we had to skip the walk. We are donating our old van to a local charity and needed to clean it out and find the title....yea, I said find the title. Who looses a title? Obviously we do, we searched for it for over an hour. We found it exactly where we thought it was, just over looked it the first time.

Caden and McKenzie are asleep. I have bible study Wednesday mornings and my table was in charge of bringing breakfast. I had a package of scone mix. Y'all didn't think I bake from scratch at 9pm did you?!

Trying to get this sweet little boy to sleep but he found his high pitch squeal this week and LOVES to practice it. It should be an interesting 10+ hour ride to Nebraska. Earplugs anyone:)

He was asleep 10 min after I took this picture.

11pm All in bed.

That's how we roll around here.

Friday, April 6, 2012

When life hands you lemons..

you make lemonade...or maybe mom has a bunch of lemons and you want to have a lemonade stand.

Today the kids have a day off of school, so McKenzie and some neighbor kids decided to have a lemonade stand.  I very rarely have sugary drinks at the house but lucky for her I had a bowl full of fresh lemons! So off to work we went.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Race Day

This weekend was the long awaited Pine Derby Race for Cub Scouts. Caden (with Dads help) came up with this "red lightening fast" car.


Red Lightening didn't do so well in the first heat....forgot to put graphite on the axles. Once the graphite was on, Red Lightening was lightening FAST!
Woohoo!! Won the second and third heat!!

McKenzie was "so bored" by this point.

Once she saw the camera on her she had to turn on the charm

Caden didn't place but we all had such a good time. All the boys were good sports and cheering each other on, I even caught a few giving congratulatory hugs (so cute!). Caden is very lucky, he has an AWESOME pack and den leader. I can't say enough about them, they put so much of their free time into scouts and we are so grateful for that.  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

One Year

So I have a confession, I started this blog Sept 2, 2011 so our families could keep up with us. It is now the end of March.....and no post. I'm kind of a procrastinator.

Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of us moving from Aurora, Nebraska to Fort Worth, Texas. One year. That's crazy! Wow how our lives have changed. In one year we went from a family of four (this pic was done over two years ago by Allison)

to a family of five.
Samuel James born November 19, 2012
Note to self, we need family pics done...soon.

Now that I have the first post published, I can sleep at night. Okay, so that isn't the reason I don't get a good nights rest, but that would be an easy fix. In the mean time, I don't mind loving on my sweet baby Samuel at 4am.