Thursday, February 21, 2013

May the force be with you

Samuel had is 15 month check up, he's a happy healthy kid and I can't ask for anything more. The pediatrician and I talked a lot about behavior (he has to make his presences known with two older siblings) and how busy he is. He can destroy a place in two minutes flat. I don't remember Caden and McKenzie being this destructive messy. Maybe it's like childbirth, you forget how painful it is and with toddlers you just forget how busy they really are. Anyway, as the pediatrician was leaving the room he turned to me and said "may the force be with you". Ha! You have to laugh, being a parent of a toddler is far from glamorous, heck just being a parent is. All the sacrifices made, always putting our family first. So to all the moms and dads out there no matter what age your kids are ...may the force be with you!

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